Musk/Trump Death To Americans Plan: Destroying COVID Tests Edition

According to The Washington Post, it’s not clear if a final decision has been made to destroy the 160 million COVID tests the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services was stockpiling and providing free to Americans. But the fact that Unelected President Musk and Puppet Donald Trump would even consider such a thing, presumably with the approval of HHS Secretary Bobby “Brainworm” Kennedy, is despicable enough.

The Post quoted the former chief of the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response, Dawn O’Connell: “Destruction costs a significant amount of money, but hanging on to them costs a significant amount of money,” she said.

Jeff Bezos’ MAGA suck-up paper made a point of noting that “Consumers would still be able to purchase tests over the counter.” The Post forgot to mention that they’re not cheap. With inflation and tariffs on the rise, a test could be out of range for lots. Not for President Musk, Puppet Trump or their band of billionaire bros, like Bezos, of course.

More importantly, American taxpayers have already paid for these tests. That point is somewhat buried in a WaPo quote:

Destroying an asset that was paid for by the American people, that doesn’t make any sense,” said Tom Inglesby, who was White House national coordinator for coronavirus testing from end of 2021 to April 2022. In the event covid becomes resurgent again, “we need to be able to figure out who is sick, who is not sick, who needs medicine, who is, in fact, contagious, who may be someone who’s vulnerable. These diagnostics really help you make really good decisions, help families make good decisions about how to stay healthy.”

It’s almost like the “pro-life” Trump administration is trying to kill Americans.

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