Joe Biden Gets Serious With Seth Meyers

Biden sits down with Seth Meyers to speak in a more casual manner than one normally expects to see from the President.

Meyers asks him directly about his age, which has repeatedly come up as an issue. Without missing a beat, Biden replied that the other guy is about the same age, but can’t even remember his wife’s name.

Biden then segued that into comparing the visions of each candidate, pointing out how his opponent wants to turn back time on all the progress that the country as made, including Roe v Wade, the war, the economy, etc.

Meyers changed the topic to the right wing’s flip flop on Russia. Biden hits Trump right between his piggy eyes by slamming Trump inviting Putin to do whatever he wanted to our NATO allies.

Biden glided from that to Trrump’s lawlessness and his utter disregard for the Constitution, including inciting an insurrection and calling the rioters patriots.

Meyers then brought up the issue of the slaughter going on in Gaza. Biden said that his priorities are first getting a ceasefire and getting the Israeli hostages freed from Hamas. He said then they might be able to have a process to work forward to a two state solution but warned that it will not happen quickly or easily. Biden also warned that Israel is in real danger of losing a lot of the support they are receiving from around the world if they continue with their ultra conservative government.

Biden’s shifting stance on Gaza is welcome, although it assuredly won’t be enough to satisfy everyone. But it might be enough to get them to realize that the alternative is a hellsight worse.

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